Frequently Asked Questions
Comparison Chart

Questions My Bei Bei Hemp Sling Mei Tai Wraparound
worn on front yes yes yes yes
worn on back yes hard to get on yes hard to get on
worn on side yes yes yes no
easy to get on and off yes yes yes yes
on and off quickly with a little bit of practice yes with a little bit of practice once it is originally on and you don't take it off
discreet horizontal breastfeeding no yes no yes
discreet vertical breastfeeding yes depends on baby yes yes
worn newborn to 35lbs yes yes yes after 20lbs stretchy fabric won't hold baby close to body
put in a diaper bag or purse yes yes yes yes
front carry facing out no yes no yes
has a toy loop yes by request by request no
too hot for warmer climates lightweight fabrics for cooler season yes yes doable but very hot
is the carrier comfortable after my baby is 20lbs? yes for short periods of time yes no